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NEATP Monthly Meeting Scheduled for August


Our next NEA TP meeting will be Monday, August 2 at Lazzari’s (2230 S. Caraway, Jonesboro) at 6:00. I hope that after a two month break everyone is ready for a busy meeting. We have several great guests coming. Joey McCutchen will be attending to inform us about his successful lawsuit against Fort Smith city government. He had originally filed an FOIA seeking answers about a lack of transparency in city government which was ignored. After the successful suit he has begun to meet with groups that are interested in pursuing transparency in their city government. In my next email, I’ll mention the other guests that will be attending. They’re all very interesting and will contribute to our ability to be an effective activist organization.

Speaking of activism, I’d like to thank all of you who contacted the City Council and City Administration last week to ask them NOT to limit the ability of the public to speak at the council meetings. There was a good crowd, including some of our NEA TP members, who spoke very well about the reasons that we need to have full public access to our city government. Some also sent emails and texts; some made calls. All of that resulted in the Council striking the worst part of the ordinance and rewording the rest to make access more open. I really like to remind everyone that the council and administration work for US, not the reverse.

If you’ve been keeping up with other issues in town, you probably are aware of the June PRIDE display in the children’s section of our library that has caused quite a bit of controversy. I’m attaching the excellent letter written by attorney Stephanie Nichols that explains the problem with the display. Because of the concerns about this irresponsible display of multiple sexual lifestyles to very young children, a group of parents and citizens attended the June 29 meeting of the Quorum Court (the county contributes funds to the CC Library as does the City of Jonesboro). Several spoke on both sides of the issue (a contingent from the library also attended to defend the display) including Senator Dan Sullivan. I have heard that some of the JP’s were shocked at the material presented. This situation is not over as there will be a meeting in August of the library board which several of those who are angry at this kind of display being presented to children not yet in their teens will attend. It’s a very sad day when we can’t let our children have an innocent childhood or a trip to the library without having to shield them from material that is totally inappropriate. Below are a few pictures of what was in this display.

We’ll discuss more of the local, state, and national issues at the meeting. Right now, one of the most egregious assaults against freedom is this administration’s drive to force phone carriers to censor private messages dealing with the “virus” and the “vaccines.”

“The Democratic National Committee and other White House allies want wireless carriers to scrutinize phone and social media messages for alleged misinformation about the Biden administration’s push to vaccinate more Americans against the coronavirus, Politico reported Monday.” By Samuel Chamberlain July 12, 2021 

This following article is from Lifesite which has been censored from Facebook and other venues for not adhering to Big Brother’s storyline. The info in the story is actually from a former VP of Pfizer who is concerned about the propaganda being spread by the media, politicos, and even medical groups.

“Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory research for COVID vaccine maker Pfizer, spent more than three decades in the vaccine industry before he retired from “the most senior research position” in his field. Variants, he says, are “irrelevant and being used as propaganda.” [This article cuts through some of the really over-the-top hysterics we’re hearing right now in the media.]

Please put the NEA Tea Party meeting on your calendar for Monday, August 2!!  We’ll see you there!  

Iris Stevens Jonesboro, Arkansas


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