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Heads In The Sand

The following letter was printed in the Jonesboro Sun on January 9, 2014.  The author has given us permission to post it on our website.

Sadly, it usually takes a tragedy or other eye-opening experience to make some people more aware of their misguided belief systems. Whether it’s the recent terrorist killings in France or an increase in health costs due to Obamacare or your child coming home with revisionist textbooks that omit vital American history, then it’s no wonder that we are going down the wrong road.

It’s beyond me how any rationally thinking person can believe in abortion, gay marriage, deficit spending, common core educational philosophies, legalization of mind altering drugs and that radical Islam is not a worldwide threat to personal and religious freedom.

I consider myself an independent reasonable thinker who believes that our country is seriously off track on many fronts — from our moral decline to our entitlement mentality. That makes me one of those “nut cases” who believes our Founding Fathers had it right when they established our country based on Judeo-Christian ethics and values, and that deficit spending will bankrupt our country.

On more than one occasion, I have seen people I know change their minds when an issue hits home. Whether they receive a personal scare that shows Islamic terrorism can get themselves or their loved ones killed or that unbridled spending impacts on their families’ economic situations, the hazy veil falls from their eyes to show the world as it is, a planet where greed, non-Biblical principles and immorality reign supreme.

Income redistribution and Marxist policies are crushing our country economically. If there is no incentive to succeed, then our free market will sputter and die.

And if you think Islamic terrorism is isolated throughout the world, just look at Great Britain and other European countries where Islam crept in incrementally to the point where once proud nations are now pawns in a calculated attempt by Muslims to rid the world of anyone who does not believe in Islam.

If you wake up one of these days to Muslim rule, you will have two choices — retain Jesus as your Savior and die or deny your faith and be a slave with few rights. Your female family members will be nothing more than pieces of property to be abused. Sharia Law, not the U.S. Constitution, will be the supreme authority of the land.

The head and shoulders of the Islamic and anti-capitalism camels are already in our national tent, with the rest of the bodies sure to follow. But sadly, most Americans do not realize this threat. They will keep their heads in the sand until it’s too late, and the once great United States of America will be no more.

Dan Cook


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