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Finding Common Good in Our Adversaries

Had they met, Catherine Austin Fitts, the reviewer of the three books about bicycles in the link below, would not be pleased with much of anything that HG Wells stood for, other than, perhaps, his writing.

Fitts, aka “CAF”, is a former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a former partner of Dillon & Read (Wall Street investment firm), and a rare victorious survivor in an all-out legal attack against her from the US Department of Justice after she left the President HW Bush administration. She is an “earned her stripes” analyst of all aspects of Our world, from the perspective of a former insider.

Her “Solari Report” publication is leading-edge analysis, her interviews are a guide from how We got here, to what We face from the world-wide technocracy intent on destroying American self-governance – this “last best hope of man on earth”- and on solutions to better prepare locally and against governments, institutions in the administrative state, academia, education, etc.

HG Wells (1866-1946) was a Fabian Socialist, an elite believer in the incessantly advancing at glacial-speed, grinding path to world-wide totalitarian technocracy – one world government. In other words, Wells was the anti-CAF. Despite her differences with Wells and all that his world-view diminished – the individuality and creativity of each of Us, all humans – she opens her review with a quote by Wells on bicycles.

For the residents of Jonesboro and Northeast Arkansas (NEA), bicycles are at the forefront of what the mayor of Jonesboro has in store for Us, to the tune of $20M in grants (plus a $4M city match). Recently, the city submitted for federal funding, which included supporting letters from the guvner and US congressional representatives, to construct 20+ miles of perimeter and internal walking/bike-trail system around and throughout the city. No one asked the residents who, in 2019, had defeated an attempt to impose a ,5% sales tax for “quality-of-life” items sought by a minority of voters.

The current effort is the mayor and his supporters circumventing the residents to impose upon Jonesboro what the Waltons and Little Rock have imposed on Northwest Arkansas (NWA), Central Arkansas, and Southeast Arkansas (SEA). Perhaps Arkansans in those locales are better suited to free stuff that forever increases the operations and maintenance costs to taxpayers, and feeds the “Agenda 2030” progression towards an America of fewer cars and trucks, and many more bicycles.

Still, just like CAF, a self-described bike-lover, is gracious to include Wells in her review of books on bicycles, We want the mayor to know that We like bicycles, too. What We object to is elected officials who steer around the signs that the voters had clearly erected with their vote, and using the force of government to impose costly expenses on behalf of a minority of constituents.

Thanks, Howard L. “Hard L” Weinstock

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