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Evildoers, All…But One Built Our Grill. He Can’t Be That Bad, Can He?

Fink runs #BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world; Schwarzman is #Blackstone, a hedge-fund giant and, possibly a grill-maker (the size of that top image file doesn’t bode well for the home-team). Both serve on President OBiden’s “Business Roundtable” which is as influential as it gets in the loftiest of American #globalist circles.

Fink also sits amongst the monarchs behind #TheGreatReset, in-progress now to take down America (the rest of the world is already wrapped-up). His cronies walk the halls of the US Treasury and the #FederalReserveBank.

A third muckety-muck at the Business Roundtable “barbeque of the 50 states” is Buckley #Vanguard, who, along with Fink, are two of the three largest asset managers on the planet.

Fourth is O’Hanley, #StateStreet. According to “The LaRouche Organization”, on page 18 of “The Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Crushes the #GreenNewDeal Fraud”, BlackRock, Vanguard, & State Street are the “Big Three” asset managers worldwide.

NOTE: If you’d like a hard-copy of the LaRouche booklet, enter a comment on the website and we’ll get 1-2 copies into your hands.

In the meantime, this article informs Us on the goals of #TheGreatReset, under the direction of The #WorldEconomicForum, led by “Dr. Evil”, aka Klaus.

Here’s a read ahead on the goals of the #WorldEconomicForum, what is happening to our world today: No Privacy, No Property: The World in 2030 According to the WEF – LewRockwell

While Schwarzman chars the steaks, there is a lot to absorb in a short amount of time. The Great Reset and The Green New Deal are bad news for Us, Our kids, Grandkids, Great Grandkids. Bone up on all of it…Dr. Evil and the “Big Three” have.

Updated, December 10, 2021:


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