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Communists Infiltrating Protests

Almost everyone has heard of the racial protests in Ferguson, Missouri and New York City and the venom aimed at our police – men and women who risk their lives daily to save ours.

That in itself is enough to anger true patriots, but most people don’t know the worst of it. There were some clues if you looked closely at the signs of the protestors, signs which were unusually professional. The one to which I am referring reads “Ferguson is Everywhere. Police Brutality and Murder Must Stop.” Many people would be shocked if they looked up that website .

The largest focal point on home page reads: “The Vision, the Works, the Leadership for a New Stage of Communist Revolution.” There are several links to articles on Revolution, to the RCP [Revolutionary Communist Party, to “A New Communist Manifesto,” and to a “Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America.”

The article that most interested me, “On The Strategy For Revolution” describes a strategy being played out in our country daily and supported by our President and his cohorts. Below are a few bulleted quotes from that article.

  1. In order for revolution to be real there must be: a revolutionary crisis.

  2. The fundamental problem is this capitalist system, and the solution is getting rid of this system and bringing into being a new system, socialism, aiming for the final goal of a communist world.

  3. Revolution requires consistent work building.

  4. In major events, “the right and ability of the ruling powers to keep on ruling can be called seriously and directly into question.” [police]

  5. Those who recognize the need for revolution are preparing the ground for this politically and ideologically even now.

  6. It [Revolution] … heightens the ability of growing numbers of people, in all parts of this country, to act politically in a unified way.

As many of us knew or suspected, these racial protests have little to do with police brutality, but are about inciting revolution to change our capitalistic system to a socialist/communist one. Revolution always precedes a dictator and/or communism, and I sense our president is actually poking his finger in the eyes of the conservatives to provoke a revolution.

Obama actually ran on Change; most people didn’t know he meant changing our country from capitalism to socialism/communism. But if one looks at everything our President has done, the pattern is very discernible. May God make us wiser than our enemies! Psalm 119:104

Debbie Pelley,

Jonesboro, Arkansas


On the Strategy for Revolution, February 11, 2011 Revolutionary Communist Party website referred to above on signs of protesters at Ferguson


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