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Behind the Books: Uncovering Issues at Jonesboro Public Library with Ms. Iris Wright Stevens

This is a summary of a podcast episode where the host talks to Ms. Iris Wright Stevens about some issues happening at the Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library.

Key Points:

Who is Iris Wright Stevens?

  • Lives in Jonesboro for a long time.

  • A retired teacher and an activist.

  • She has been involved in education, politics, and other issues in Jonesboro and beyond.

  • Used to coordinate the Northeast Arkansas Tea Park.

Main Issues Discussed:

1. Library Controversy:

  • Some parents found inappropriate books in the children's section.

  • The books contained very mature and graphic content.

  • There were bookmarks listing different sexualities.

  • The main issue was not to ban the books but to move them to a section only parents could access.

2. Financial Concerns at the Library:

  • The library received more funding than most others in Arkansas.

  • The Tea Party group wanted the library's funding to be similar to other libraries in Arkansas.

  • There was a vote to reduce the library's funding, which they won.

3. Libraries Across the Country:

  • Other places in the U.S. have faced similar issues with inappropriate content in libraries.

  • Some library boards don't seem to see the problem with these materials.

  • A Facebook page, "Safe Libraries for Kids Arkansas," shares examples of the controversial material.


There is an ongoing debate about what materials are appropriate for children in libraries. Community standards play a big role in deciding what's acceptable. It's essential for parents and the community to be involved in these decisions.


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